Contact information:
P.O. Box 4693
Spokane, WA 99220
(509) 313-7024
Kateri Northwest Ministry Institute
Kateri Northwest Ministry Institute (KNMI) is a training program in leadership for Native American
Catholics. Kateri’s mission is to empower Native American Catholics to serve their People and affirm
their cultural and spiritual identity. KNMI encourages the People to take responsibility for the religious
life of their local community.
The program transforms training into action by involving Native leaders fully in the pastoral education
of fellow Native Catholics. Kateri participants become teachers themselves, working in apprenticeship
with KNMI staff, a collaboration which enables Native People to take ownership of their place within
the local community.
Our ultimate goal includes training lay leaders in the Native community, healing from substance abuse
and dysfunction, and promoting greater involvement of Native People in their larger communities.
Fr. Mike Fitzpatrick, S.J.
(541) 969-6444
– OR –
Other Board Members & Staff:
Gordo Horn — President
Jama Van Brunt — Secretary
Charlotte Kelley
Jenny Edgren — Administrator
Fr. Pat Twohy, S.J. — Rocky Mountain Missions Director